Historic Preservation Commission
2023 Commission Members

Name Term Expires
Neil Simonelli, Chair 12/31/2025
Vanessa Preston 12/31/2026
Kate Johnson 12/31/2024
Mark Uccardi 12/31/2024
Marc Strauss -  Council  
Ted Bozzi, Alternate #1  12/31/2023
Jason Strauss, Alternate #2 12/31/2024

hpc streetThe Annandale section (part of which is depicted in this photo) and a section of Cokesbury Road are historic areas within Clinton Township.

The Historic Preservation Commission reviews applications and plans, submitted to the Planning Board, Zoning Board of Adjustment, and Construction Office to assist in the review of these regarding the possible impact on historic structures, physical or cultural significant attributes. Comments are sent back to the appropriate group, and the Mayor and Council, for consideration.

The Commision also conducts walking tours of historic districts to educate the public on the significance of our districts and heritage. Sub-committess of the commission work with other groups in the Township regarding aspects of planning and contribute to the Master Plan. The Historic Commission's three sub-committees are Preservation, Documentation, and Education. These groups work on specific projects and properties throughout the year.

Historic Preservation Commission Information

Historical and Cultural Features of Clinton Township

History and Pictures of Annandale Village

HPC Chair
Neil Simonelli
Meetings are held on the 1st Wednesday of the Month at 7:00 pm
Public Safety Building
1st Floor Conference Room
1370 Route 31 North
Annandale, NJ