Leaf Collection Program 2023

Beginning on or about October 23rd: Public Works will begin to collect leaves throughout the Township to reduce the volume that needs to be disposed of when the bulk of the leaves drop during the fall season.

Holidays, weather and other unexpected events may result in changes or delays to the anticipated collection schedule.

In order to have a successful and timely leaf collection program, please follow these guidelines:

  1. Rake your piles of leaves to the end of your property.
  2. DO NOT rake leaves into the roadway, as this obstructs drainage.
  3. DO NOT pile onto drainage ditches.
  4. DPW WILL NOT ACCEPT piles of leaves with sticks, branches, and grass clippings, or bagged leaves.
  5. Residents are encouraged to compost leaves on their own property, if possible.

We appreciate your cooperation and patience.

If you have any questions or concerns, please call (908) 735-8800 ext. 230.